Autore: Harald Arnesen Data: 2017-08-23 20:59 -000 To: dng Oggetto: Re: [DNG] An alternative to renaming [was Re: Proposed change in
behaviour for ascii: eudev net.ifnames]
Rick Moen [2017-08-23 19:06]: > Quoting Alessandro Selli (alessandroselli@???):
>> Not having to login as root to manually configure Xorg just to change
>> video card or monitor was one of the best and most wanted improvements in
>> Linux in the past 10 years.
> I'm sure, but on the other hand, how often did that happen? Extremely
> seldom.
>> Manual Xorg configuration is so tedious, time consuming and error
>> prone that requiring users to be capable of it is just crazy.
> Au contraire: Even if you had nothing besides Xorg (or previously
> XFree86) itself, in almost all cases you could just do 'Xorg -configure
>> /etc/X11/Xorg.conf' and nothing else. However, pretty nearly all
> distributions provided even-easier X configurator tools.
When? Not when I started using Linux.
Hilsen Harald