:: Re: [DNG] fvwm
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Autor: Steve Litt
Data: 2017-08-23 16:00 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] fvwm
On Wed, 23 Aug 2017 09:31:45 +0200
Harald Arnesen <harald@???> wrote:

> Steve Litt [2017-08-22 23:59]:
> > As far as #1, what the hell does "session" mean? A session is
> > something that runs for awhile, and usually the implication is it's
> > already running. I think the word "session" needs to be changed to
> > "GOSFUI". If you'd rather not use a word directly created to handle
> > the exact concept, you could substitute "window manager or desktop
> > environment".
> "Window Manager" would be the best, I think. I agree that "Session"
> can be misleading. How many users would know what you mean by
> "GOSFUI", a not at all intuitive and far too long abbreviation almost
> never used outside of this mailing list?

Then we should think of a better word to represent the union of window
managers and desktop environments. I don't have Not Invented Here
syndrome: I'd be glad to support and publicize such a word.

What I *do* know is that as long as we use "window manager" or "desktop
environment" or "desktop" to represent what's really a specific
graphical user interface, there will be thread-hijacking arguments and
nothing will get solved. It's been this way for 15 years.

Seriously: If you don't like GOSFUI, come up with something better:
Something that currently doesn't have a definition. We'll publicize the
hell out of the word and the definition so no definition weenies can
come in and obfuscate it, and bang, we're done.
