Skribent: Steve Litt Dato: 2017-08-23 14:03 -000 Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] fvwm
On Wed, 23 Aug 2017 10:53:43 +0200
Michael Siegel <micha@???> wrote:
> Am 23.08.2017 um 09:31 schrieb Harald Arnesen:
> > Steve Litt [2017-08-22 23:59]:
> >
> >> As far as #1, what the hell does "session" mean? A session is
> >> something that runs for awhile, and usually the implication is
> >> it's already running. I think the word "session" needs to be
> >> changed to "GOSFUI". If you'd rather not use a word directly
> >> created to handle the exact concept, you could substitute "window
> >> manager or desktop environment".
> >
> > "Window Manager" would be the best, I think. I agree that "Session"
> > can be misleading. How many users would know what you mean by
> > "GOSFUI", a not at all intuitive and far too long abbreviation
> > almost never used outside of this mailing list?
> What is being chosen there, is actually a profile for the graphical
> environment. So, neither "window manager" nor "desktop environment"
> really fit. You could say "profile", but "session" seems to be the
> (de-facto) standard term. Also, it makes some sense if you think about
> what session management is.
You just said it in the first sentence of the preceding paragraph: Why
not substitute the phrase "grapical environment" for "session"? If
"graphical environment" isn't perfect, it's a hell of a lot better than
either "session", "window manager" or "desktop environment".