:: Re: [DNG] An alternative to renamin…
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Szerző: Arnt Karlsen
Dátum: 2017-08-23 12:22 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] An alternative to renaming [was Re: Proposed change in behaviour for ascii: eudev net.ifnames]
On Wed, 23 Aug 2017 09:34:49 +0200, Alessandro wrote in message

> On 22/08/2017 at 13:36, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > On Tue, 22 Aug 2017 03:38:50 +0200, Adam wrote in message
> > <20170822013850.ute5cf7ycrlvc4rq@???>:
> >
> >> There are cases when the old way had its merit -- but here, we
> >> have an equivalent of a car that needs to be started with a
> >> hand-crank.
> >
> > ..you may have missed "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley and George
> > Orwell's "1984", or at the very least, the main point of these 2
> > books and your own nation's history, in these Trumpian times.
> >
> > ..an hand-crank car keeps you in control of what's going on around
> > you, if you pay attention.
> Why do you think an electric motor cannot do the same?

..straw man, an electric motor cannot do the same without
AI taking control away from you.

> > Your new shiny AI car may decide to kill you to
> > save e.g. "a more worthy person" from something really, really bad,
> > e.g. Trumpian embarrasment, e.g. because you pay attention to
> > what's going on around you. ;oD
> First off, an electric engine starter does not have to have any AI
> built-in. The XX century auto industry proved it.

..and the XXI'st is now disproving it.

> Secondly, AI is not inherently a user alien technology, no more that
> computers are per se a tools against the users. It all depends on
> who is in charge.

..precisely my point.

> As there is software that puts the user in charge (Free/OS software)
> and software that deprives the user of any freedom (proprietary
> software), so there is AI that just serves users and AI that controls
> them.

..e.g. systemd is capable of "getting it done" both ways. ;o)

> If this could not be, then your only option would be forsaking
> IT altogether.

..maybe. Eventually, that too will fail, we mere mortals risk
getting targeted "as Islamists" for _not_ carrying cell phones:

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
Scenarios always come in sets of three:
best case, worst case, and just in case.