Skribent: Hendrik Boom Dato: 2017-08-21 02:36 -000 Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] Proposed change in behaviour for ascii: eudev net.ifnames
On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 01:41:57PM -0400, Gary Olzeke wrote: > +3 for the eth0/wlan0 naming scheme - yes I'm stuffing the vote!! ... > my ignorance may be showing here:
> I am surprised that there isn't an fstab-style record of MACs to ethX/wlanX
> that way a MOTD-style popup could alert for a change or/ confirmation on
> default
> action.
When my laptop connects to my server and requests n IP number with
DHCP, the server has a log of what IP numbers it has recently assigned
to what clienf MAC addresses, and uses the same ones if they are still
available, which is almost always.
Why not use a similar mechanism for interface names? remember which
names were recently used and use them again?
This sounds a lot like the fstab-like proposal, except it
> is there someway to create an alias for eth0/wlan0 for the newer-ugly
> naming scheme?
> It just keeps getting more and more complicated - progress???!!
If you want to be compaatible with what systemd does, you will end up
being as complicated as systemd.