:: Re: [DNG] Names of logical volumes
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Συντάκτης: Tomasz Torcz
Ημερομηνία: 2017-08-20 10:08 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] Names of logical volumes
On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 07:38:30AM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I'm trying to make sure I don't do something catastrophic by
> misunderstanding.
> I do
> lvcreate --name ascii-root --size 3G jessie
> to create a logical volume called "ascii-root" within the volume
> group "jessie".
> Then I look at the result by
> ls /dev/mapper
> and get:
> root@notlookedfor:/# lvcreate --name ascii-root --size 3G jessie
>   Logical volume "ascii-root" created
> root@notlookedfor:/# ls /dev/mapper
> control            jessie-devuan--home  jessie-devuan--usr  jessie-tmp
> jessie-ascii--root  jessie-devuan--root  jessie-devuan--var
> root@notlookedfor:/# 

> Now I get it that it concatenates the folume group name, a hyphen,
> and the logical volume name.
> But why does it stick an extra hyphen in the logical volume name?

To “escape” the hyphen in name, in order to differentiate between
concatenation hyphen and in-the-name hyphen.

BTW, check ls /dev/jessie/

Tomasz Torcz                        To co nierealne -- tutaj jest normalne.
xmpp: zdzichubg@???          Ziomale na życie mają tu patenty specjalne.