I'm trying to make sure I don't do something catastrophic by
I do
lvcreate --name ascii-root --size 3G jessie
to create a logical volume called "ascii-root" within the volume
group "jessie".
Then I look at the result by
ls /dev/mapper
and get:
root@notlookedfor:/# lvcreate --name ascii-root --size 3G jessie
Logical volume "ascii-root" created
root@notlookedfor:/# ls /dev/mapper
control jessie-devuan--home jessie-devuan--usr jessie-tmp
jessie-ascii--root jessie-devuan--root jessie-devuan--var
Now I get it that it concatenates the folume group name, a hyphen,
and the logical volume name.
But why does it stick an extra hyphen in the logical volume name?
-- hendrik