Szerző: Rick Moen Dátum: Címzett: dng Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Which desktops are available in Devuan?
Quoting Steve Litt (slitt@???):
> Rick, look in the mirror: You caused this. Every time you use words like
> "Desktop Environment", "Desktop", and "DE" you make them sound special
> (and geez, I have to investigate whether I need one), when in reality
> they're all GOSFUIs. Some like their GOSFUIs pretty with cutsey little
> dragndrop, and some like them simple and quick: Just leave it at that.
Seriously, Steve, your cutesy (yet gratuitously obscure) coinage --
which I hope you'll eventually realise is falling flat and adopted by
nobody but yourself -- just adds noise and absolutely zero understanding
to any conversation where you've inserted it, every single time.
I've told you this before, but some people are really slow learners at
times. But, anyway, I'm not going to encourage you in any way.
Desktop Environment has a specific meaning. Your pretending that it
doesn't, or that it is somehow too confusing, is a mistake on your part,
but really not my problem.