:: Re: [DNG] devuan ascii - how much o…
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Autor: Dave Turner
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] devuan ascii - how much of systemd is still in there?
On 16/08/17 11:51, fsmithred wrote:
> On 08/16/2017 02:36 AM, Dave Turner wrote:
>> On 16/08/17 00:39, Joel Roth wrote:
>>> Further, I don't have libsystemd0 installed on my system at
>>> all, although there are some config files hanging around in /etc.
>>> dpkg -l libsystemd0
>>> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
>>> |
>>> Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
>>> |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
>>> ||/ Name                 Version         Architecture    Description
>>> +++-====================-===============-===============-=============================================

>>> rc  libsystemd0:amd64    215-17+deb8u4   amd64           systemd utility
>>> library

>> Thanks for that, I'll be more careful when I redo the install!
>> Mainly I need a nice web browser - Palemoon is OK, and I use VLC for
>> watching DVDs. None of that needs anything more than xdm, twm, and xfe.
>> Later jack audio will get installed along with audacity.
>> Apple hardware is really good quality but can be very fussy when you get
>> rid of OSX. My iMac is 11 years old and refuses to break.
>> DaveT
> Note the version of libsystemd0 listed above. It's in jessie. If you
> remove libsystemd0 from ascii, you'll be browsing the web with lynx or
> w3m. PA is not the only thing that needs it - you'll lose xserver-xorg, too.
> There's also /lib/systemd. You can't get rid of that, but you can get rid
> of /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd by installing eudev from experimental.
> Instructions are here if you need them:
> https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?id=1543
> fsmithred
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Yes... I re-installed taking notes of what was getting installed.

I have boot from a debian 6 squeeze CD, anything later refuses to boot
the iMac. (Fedora has failed since fedora 13, Tinycore linux boots,
Slackware boots) Then I do a dist-upgrade to wheezy, that takes it
straight to 7.11 which has the beginnings of systemd in it.

I used aptitude to get rid of anything with systemd in the name, then I
deleted everything systemd from /lib/systemd and etc/systemd. After a
reboot and purge I was down to 174 packages and a working but very
minimal terminal system. No sound no nothing, reminds me of playing
Moonlander on a 300-baud terminal into the mainframe all those years ago...

Then I did the devuan-jessie dist-upgrade. That pulled in systemd-udevd
so I repeated what I did with wheezy - got rid of all of it! And broke
it again! The screen font stays enormous and the keyboard doesn't work
so I can't login.

I suppose eudev is the next step once I have re-installed squeeze and
