Autor: fsmithred Data: 2017-08-16 14:08 -000 Para: dng Assunto: Re: [DNG] openrc, eudev, test iso
On 08/16/2017 07:06 AM, fsmithred wrote: >
> It is installable with refractainstaller, but it has grub-efi installed.
> If you're on a legacy bios system, install the grub-pc debs before you run
> the installer, and don't select a place for the bootloader if it asks. Let
> the installer do that (it will ask, too.) Grub debs are in the root of the
> filesystem. In the live session, run:
> dpkg -i /grub-pc*.deb
No, that's wrong. grub-efi was installed and was replaced with grub-pc.
You don't have to do anything special before running the installer. If you
happen to boot on uefi, it will boot and efibootmgr is still installed and
will run. Use the graphical installer from the menu and it will (should)
do the right thing. Both grub-pc and grub-efi debs are in / in case you
need them.