:: Re: [DNG] Devuan presentation at Ch…
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Autor: Narcis Garcia
Data: 2017-08-16 05:32 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Devuan presentation at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage (Germany) 2018?
El 16/08/17 a les 09:17, Erik Christiansen ha escrit:
> On 15.08.17 21:49, Hendrik Boom wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 12:42:50AM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
>>> ..I agree "hate" is a little too loaded and a little too warranted. ;o)
>> Exactly my point. But it's better to present the emotionally unloaded
>> facts and let the listeners of readers come up with their own feelings
>> about the matter. People resent being force-fed emotions.
> Even "loathe" is too strong to be attractive to an audience which is not
> already converted. Understanding that hatred arises out of fear (nothing
> less can evoke such a strong response, in reality), leads to a less
> emotive presentation. Better to tickle the audience's curiosity, than to
> bludgeon their intelligence with heavy propaganda.
> They will be more attracted by outgoing engagement with their nascent
> curiosity, than by a presenter egocentrically obsessing about his own
> dark emotions.
> Creeping dictatorial constraint vs freedom of choice ; Sterile monoculture
> vs vital diversity, agile Linux vs monolithic M$-style Systemdix, ... let the
> ego go off on a coffee break, and engage with the facts, as Hendrik so
> wisely advises, but gently emphasise the dichotomy with evocative
> adjectives, perhaps?
> Erik

The best strategy is to go as a contributor for Chemnitzer Linux-Tage.
The best propaganda is that exposed contents contribute people to make
their own decisions and to more people works on (p.e.) init softwares.