:: Re: [DNG] Which desktops are availa…
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Autore: KatolaZ
Data: 2017-08-15 05:54 -000
To: dng
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Which desktops are available in Devuan?
On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 05:32:04PM +1000, Erik Christiansen wrote:


> Ah, that is very disappointing. After more than 30 years of using *nix,
> I have not transitioned to the use of fora. The login necessity offends
> nearly as much as systemd, but I find that several years go by between
> logins to the unpalatable interface, so perhaps it doesn't matter much.
> I'll remain subscribed to the Debian list, then, and ask my questions
> there. I'll wait a while before unsubscribing from this one. And have a
> look for other distros.

Hi Erik,

you are welcome to ask technical questions on this ML. There is no
stated prefrerence for the forum anywhere. The preference is on the
user side, so if you prefer email, please use this list (there are
several hundreds subscribers, so you will very probably get an
answer). If you are more an IRC beast, then join us on #devuan on
freenode (about 230 users normally online). If you like a forum,
dev1galaxy is the place to go. But you decide.

We have multiple media available because we recognise that users have
multiple needs.



[ ~.,_  Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - GLUGCT -- Freaknet Medialab  ]  
[     "+.  katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it  ]
[       @)   http://kalos.mine.nu ---  Devuan GNU + Linux User  ]
[     @@)  http://maths.qmul.ac.uk/~vnicosia --  GPG: 0B5F062F  ] 
[ (@@@)  Twitter: @KatolaZ - skype: katolaz -- github: KatolaZ  ]