:: Re: [DNG] Nvidia Drivers
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Autor: Taiidan@gmx.com
Fecha: 2017-08-15 03:16 -000
A: fsmithred, dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Nvidia Drivers
On 08/13/2017 02:20 PM, fsmithred wrote:

> On 08/13/2017 07:45 AM, zap wrote:
>> Not to be rude, but I wouldn't trust nvidia drivers even if they were
>> completely sandboxed.
>> They A: hate free software, B: they require proprietary firmware and C:
>> Are a huge security risk,
>> then again, most processors are too... but that's besides the point.
> I stopped using the proprietary driver when I noticed that whatever video
> I was last watching showed up in the background of my login screen on the
> next login, even after a warm reboot.
> fsr

This happens even with the non-proprietary driver as the card doesn't
sanitize memory on boot like it should.

Nvidia has a bad attitude in regards to security and open source
software, after all the time I wasted with their Code 43 "Bug" when
trying to attach a geforce GPU to a VM for VM gaming I will never buy
another green graphics card.

What a shame the opengraphicscard project died.