:: Re: [devuan-dev] signing keys for t…
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Skribent: Ivan J.
Dato: 2017-08-13 09:01 -000
Til: devuan developers internal list
Emne: Re: [devuan-dev] signing keys for the new amprolla instance
On Sun, 13 Aug 2017, KatolaZ wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 02:34:27PM +0200, Jaromil wrote:
> > I believe only option B or C are desirable
> > since we do want to have cryptographic
> > traceability of the signing infrastructure
> >
> > also I agree B is the best option.
> >
> OK, if we go with option B (a subkey of the current key) who can
> generate a subkey for the new amprolla?

Whoever has root on the current amprolla machine.

> If we go for option C (a brand-new key) we can generate the new key
> immediately and directly on the new amprolla instance.
> I guess that in both cases we must update devuan-keyring, right?

We do, yes.

~ parazyd
GnuPG: 03337671FDE75BB6A85EC91FB876CB44FA1B0274
GnuPG: https://parazyd.cf/FA1B0274.asc