:: Re: [devuan-dev] Status of releaseb…
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Autor: Jaromil
Data: 2017-08-10 05:55 -000
Para: devuan developers internal list
Assunto: Re: [devuan-dev] Status of releasebot and updates to www.devuan.org
On Wed, 09 Aug 2017, KatolaZ wrote:

> We know you are having other issues with your hw, but we agreed a
> deadline two weeks ago, and the deadline passed one week ago. Is
> there a way we can help with that?

there is a fundamental question lying behind this situation, wheter we
should treat developers in Devuan differently, which I believe not.
If we discount such a long delay on something we agree is a very
important matter, then we have to apply such discounts to everything
and fall into a vicious "when its ready" posture which also Debian has
and which ultimately fits only amateur and student activities.

I believe we should aim for Devuan to be better than that.
Sorry for the painful remark, but I'm quite sure Nextime understands.

Once can also argue that we keep up with the "when its ready" and
discounting all sorts of delayed promises by past and future
developers, but then many of us would be less interested in this. If
we manage to create a professional environment for our activity then
we'll save more time for everyone and also have a quicker turnover of
leadership which is healthy IMHO

Personally about this task I believe the deadline has expired and we
are left only with one well formulated proposal, your DIP and the
route to remove dependency from gitlab to a more minimal approach
using just scorsh and git.

> On a related note, golinux is still swearing (well, she is not able
> to, but if she could she would definitely swear) about the updates to
> www.devuan.org. The problem is that the automagic thing that should
> put the thing online (a gitlab pipeline) does not work, and apparently
> has never worked once in the last six months at least, for some
> unknown reason.

the reason is the gitlab migration from the old host at Alberto's

after that, the script broke. also it was a clunky thing barely used.

> My humble suggestion is that we can try to use scorsh for that, if
> you like. I have already been using it for a similar task on my own
> webpages. This might be a way to test it further on a more simple
> task than the interface with jenkins, and will give us the
> opportunity to understand whether it might be a viable solution (I
> personally believe only in the code I have tried myself).

I agree with that, we did already in previous meetings. Its a good way
to battle-test scorsh on a less mission critical start.
