:: Re: [DNG] qemu networking: Was Re: …
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Autor: Ralph Ronnquist
Fecha: 2017-08-09 21:29 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] qemu networking: Was Re: Just out of curiosity, I wondered,

Svante Signell wrote on 10/08/17 00:16:
> On Wed, 2017-08-09 at 22:45 +1000, Ralph Ronnquist wrote:
>> I prefer using a VDE setup, since that lets me run qemu as user (i.e.
>> not root)
> With
> -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::5556-:22
> you don't have to run anything as root as long as the forwarded port is higher
> than 1024. Additionally for a second VM you can use a different port e.g.
> hostfwd=tcp::5557-:22 etc. On one of my hosts I run 4 VMs, on another 5. All
> works fine, just make sure you have enough RAM for all guests.

Yes, that "no host setup" approach is a good one for many use cases.

I'm not comfortable with the "user mode" networking, though; esp. it
didn't perform well when I tried it. It's also a little troublesome when
I move the (laptop) host between cable and wireless. And it brought me a
couple of other opinionated thoughts when I tried it, so nowadays I
always bring up a vde_switch (and a dns_masq for dhcp service) whether I
run any VM or not :-)
