:: Re: [DNG] Technical overview of ini…
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Skribent: Ralph Ronnquist
Dato: 2017-08-07 20:26 -000
Til: dng
Nye-emner: [DNG] zap colors script for readability (was: Re: Technical overview of init systems)
Emne: Re: [DNG] Technical overview of init systems
Good script. Nowadays you might need to do something to the font-weight
property as well.


Joel Roth wrote on 08/08/17 07:41:
> Hi,
> I just came across this seven-part series of articles on
> supervisors and init systems:
> https://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/tags/supervisors/
> I only had time for a brief look, but it seems well written
> by someone who actually uses most of the software he's
> reviewing.
> As an aside, for those who dislike the color scheme, I can
> recommend putting this javascript snippet into a browser
> toolbar bookmark called "zap colors" or something similar:
> javascript:styles='*%20{%20background:%20white%20!important;%20color:%20black%20!important;%20}%20:link,%20:link%20*%20{%20color:%20#0000EE%20!important;%20}%20:visited,%20:visited%20*%20{%20color:%20#551A8B%20!important;%20}';%20newSS%20=%20document.createElement('link');%20newSS.rel%20=%20'stylesheet';%20newSS.href%20=%20'data:text/css,'%20+%20escape(styles);%20document.documentElement.childNodes[0].appendChild(newSS);%20void%200
> I use it all the time.
> Firefox has a readability plugin available via the open book
> icon at the right of the URL text field, however, I've
> noticed it's more invasive, and the result is not always
> readable.
> Cheers,
> Joel