:: [DNG] VimL expert needed
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Autor: Steve Litt
Data: 2017-08-04 02:38 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: [DNG] VimL expert needed
Hi all,

If any of you is proficient in Vim's internal language (I think it's
called VimL), and you want to work on a Free Software project, I need
your help.

I'm forking VimOutliner (VO), because the project's current crew changed
VO's main keyboard prefix from easy ,, to wrist-twisting and different
location on different keyboards \. They did this without any discussion
on the mailing list.

My main job in the fork is to change all these keyboard mappings so
that they're not affected by the Vim <leader> and <localleader>
constants: The main excuse for this change. After my changes, distro
package managers can change <leader> and <localleader> to anything they
want, but VimOutliner will still use double comma, which was studied
extensively and found to be fastest and easiest.

So please let me know if you know VimL and are interested in working on



Steve Litt
July 2017 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business