:: Re: [Libbitcoin] I would like to Po…
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Skribent: Eric Voskuil
Dato: 2017-07-26 21:13 -000
Til: Bhaskar K. Divecha
CC: libbitcoin
Emne: Re: [Libbitcoin] I would like to Post a message - an enquiry to resolve problem I am facing
Great, thanks for the feedback. One of our maintainers issued the PR for
the book, but apparently it was too late to make the second edition. If
you encounter any issues please let us know so that we can update before
the third edition freeze.


On 07/26/2017 02:59 AM, Bhaskar K. Divecha wrote:
> Thanks Eric. I tested 2 programs from this link, addr.cpp and
> merkle.cpp. Both compiled without any errors.
> I can now test various scenarios and try out various options to better
> understand the Bitcoin System and Blockchain technology.
> Thanks once again for the timely help and Regards,
> Bhaskar Divecha
> On 7/25/2017 2:18 AM, Eric Voskuil wrote:
>> Hello Bhaskar,
>> The second edition did not incorporate libbitcoin version 3 changes.
>> Please see the book's 'develop' branch:
>> https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/develop/code/addr.cpp
>> e
>> On Jul 23, 2017, at 12:25 AM, Bhaskar K. Divecha
>> <bkdivecha@??? <mailto:bkdivecha@hariomtatsat.co.in>>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Libbitcoin Team,
>>> While I am allowed to raise this on the mailing list, here is the
>>> problem I am facing while compiling addr.cpp (downloaded from
>>> https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/second_edition/code/addr.cpp):
>>> *ec_point *is not a member of 'bc'
>>> *encode_hex* is not a member of 'bc'
>>> *secret_to_public_key* is not a member of 'bc'
>>> *I have installed libbitcoin and am able to compile & run main.cpp
>>> properly.*
>>> I am running CentOS v7.3.
>>> Please guide me to resolve this issue.
>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>> Bhaskar Divecha
>>> On 7/20/2017 10:55 PM, Bhaskar K. Divecha wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I would like to Post a message - an enquiry to resolve problem I am
>>>> facing.
>>>> Please suggest.
>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>> Bhaskar Divecha