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Autor: Harald Arnesen
Data: 2017-07-23 09:56 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] [Desktop-Environment] Cinnamon and MATE
Adam Borowski [2017-07-23 00:01]:

> What I'm talking about is running i386 on 64-bit-capable CPUs. You can
> check that by 「grep '^flags.*\bnx\b' /proc/cpuinfo」 or checking the op-mode
> field in what lscpu says.
> There's a long list of reasons why that's a bad idea, especially when kernel
> is concerned; the only reason to the contrary is some memory saving in
> pointer-heavy code. 32-bit code also sees almost no upstream testing
> (at least on x86).
> If the machine has >2GB ram, running a 32-bit kernel should be a crime.

I run 32-bit Devuan on one Core2 machine. Why? I can't get Xerox'
proprietary printer driver for their Phaser 6010N color laser to work on
64-bit. Several receipes on how to do this, none of them work.

Yes, I know I shouldn't buy printers for which there are no open
drivers, but no, I didn't buy this printer. I got it for free, along
with several toner cartridges. I'd rather use them up before I buy
another printer.
Hilsen Harald