:: [devuan-dev] Devuan meet notes July…
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Lähettäjä: golinux
Päiväys: 2017-07-19 23:53 -000
Vastaanottaja: devuan-dev
Aihe: [devuan-dev] Devuan meet notes July 19/20
Wednesday July 17/18

Present: golinux, KatolaZ, Jaromil, Parazyd, Ralph, Evilham, Centurion,
          dimitsos, Nextime

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Please add notes prior to the meet.

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# jaromil & parazyd

there are blockers on the infra works that need to be unlocked ASAP
here a summary of most pressing issues

- amprolla3 deployment
setup a new amprolla3 server
setup rsync to push on packages.do

   -> amprolla 3 on a new server (can help on this - KatolaZ)
       -> i also have a preference of having privileged access to
          this server, as i have to maintain the software (~parazyd)
   -> a new packages.devuan.org (or the same one)
     -> Same one can be improved if needed, already doubling disk
     space ( nextime )
   -> a third server used for rsync-pull
      (where we push from packages.devuan.org)
   -> adopt hubic.com/en/backup for backups
      (duplicity compliant - 50€/year 10TB)

ACTION: let's wait on the new server/IPs and start deploying

amprolla pushes to packages.devuan.org
packages.devuan.org --> rsync-pull machine
rsync-pull machine: where everyone can pull from

- mirror in warwick univ
communication and report on status
what is blocking? follow up
- the task here is to have a push to a mirror seed machine
- there is another German uni offering something similar (KatolaZ)

- new server install on **soyoustart**
ganeti install can be helped by katolaz and ralph
ganeti install can be helped also by nextime ( i already know ganeti

- continuous infrastructure access
need to open access to trigger
to be solved by scorsh (ETA?)
and devuanreleasebot
priority: maemo (only jenkins needed, reprepo and infra is setup)

    * scorsh is almost there, is already possible to issue a signed
       commit with a tag and the command is executed on the server
       there are few things to tweak, like accessing http link
       (particularly needed for jenkins)
     * ready for testing at most in a week from now, maybe couple of days
     * katolaz is working on setting up a more extensive testbed

- new devuan.org website system
   also solved by scorsh (previous point)
   will take a bit of setup on the web server then
    setup the website will be a use-case for scorsh perhaps even
     the first thing where scorsh is set up

- setup of new servers with ganeti over at SOYU
   following this we'll be able to move FoD wiki and D1G on the machines
   perhaps after a short period of testing their stability
    - need to document setup steps. that's important for documentation
      this will be in a gitlab repository perhaps a wiki section
    - https://git.devuan.org/KatolaZ/infrastructure\_doc
      (a place to put all the doc about infra servers)
    - nextime will share his ganeti configuration scripts which are
      tested for production
    - order 16ip block on the new ganeti instance

# golinux
   - Increased visibility of 'ways to help' on the website.
   - jaromil requested adding a distrowatch banner to the site.
     Maybe on the Outreach or Partners page?  Banner would overwhelm
     the index page.  Will check if they have any less intrusive
     graphics available.
   - Serious work being done on the Friends of Devuan Wiki with msi.
   - Had an offer to translate the Serbian language pack.
     parazyd - What's happening with Croatian pack?
       - on stagnation. serbian-speaking people can also help (~parazyd)

- Someone stumbled on _us.devuan.org_ which is not encrypted nor is
   there any cert associated with it.  I think that's where hk and I
   first worked on the website.  One browser flipped it to
   https://devuan.org. Another threw up the 'untrusted' warning.  Is
   this sub-domain serving any purpose?
   Should we get a cert for it or redirect it or put it out of its
   untrusted misery by deleting that subdomain?
   (\*.devuan.org, i.e. *whatever*.devuan.org, is a CNAME wildcard
   that points to www.devuan.org, and we don't have a wildcard cert
   wildcard certs from LE comming Jan 2018 -- Evilham
   - moderation on DNG
   - Is the us.devuan.org issue something relevant only for repos?
     if yes, do we care about what browsers says?

# evilham
It's going to be a crazy July, so I haven't/won't manage to do as much,
but here is stuff regarding this week:

Status page (http://devuan.evilham.com)
   - FTP mirrors are now being checked, progress has been done on
     RSYNC mirror checks (may be ready for tomorrow).
   - No progress has been done when it comes to using Amprola's logs to
     give pkg info.
     - i would like to see what firegarden comes up with. he is working
       on a packages.debian.org-like setup and i think it would be a good
       place to integrate amprolla's info (~parazyd)

   - Added external checks for Devuan infrastructure.
   - These checks send an email automatically to the devuan-dev ML.
   - The checks are implemented with Monit (https://mmonit.com/monit/)
     running on a server external to Devuan with virtually 100% uptime.
   - They check availability and expiry date of TLS Certs (15 days or 
   - Sites are checked every 30 seconds and they fail (send an email) 
     a site does not reply 3 / 5 cycles (90 seconds in 150 seconds).
     Or when the TLS Cert is about to expire (15 days or less).
     A second email is sent when the issue has been solved.
   - Since certbot renews by default 30 days before expiry date, getting 
     Cert warning would mean that manual action is needed in order to 
     site downtime.
   - Checked sites are:
     * devuan.org
     * packages.devuan.org
     * git.devuan.org
     * bugs.devuan.org
     * popcon.devuan.org
     * dev1galaxy.org
     * webstats.nexlab.net (piwik for devuan.org)
     * ci.devuan.org

# PeteGozz

       Has latest

         Moving failsafe theme under debian soonish
        So that it may be optionally installed.
         It will be a GENERIC theme based on curve.
         Not a time sink.

         More importantly there are tweaks to conf file
          The sample xinitrc is I think the most useful alteration.
          (given dbus etc)

# dimitsos (pad, irc)
A few days ago, I tried to submit my first bug reports, using the
reportbug tool. I tried the graphical version, which uses python-vte,
but it failed, so eventually I submitted via e-mail. Is this another
bug that I should report?
(reportbug should work fine in jessie and ascii
Which error did you get? KatolaZ)
dimitsos: iirc, it couldn't send the bug report through smtp

# fsmithred

probably not going to be here today but maybe we'll get lucky

# KatolaZ

- working on SCORSH (almost there -- the testing infra is a bit
                      painful, hence the delay)
     - First SCORSH production tests ETA: no more than one week
       from now, probably a couple of days
- available to help with setting up the new server on SYS
   (ganeti, VMs, etc.)
- new release of d1h on its way
- have being tutoring 3/4 new developers/maintainers
- have now access on CI to play with jobs
- binnit on fulcanelli (ETA: 2 days)
- we need to start updating ascii packages (emailing maintainers)
- we need to let packages percolate down to ascii/ascii-proposed
- jessie point release (would be great for several developers who
   have put stuff in jessie-proposed and jessie-proposed-updates)

# Centurion_Dan

- setting up 2nd ganeti server - newtonia.devuan.org

Release file (experimental):


(codenames and suite names can be fixed upstream in dak)

Codename: None -> Codename: experimental
