著者: Fungi4All 日付: 2017-07-18 05:48 -000 To: Jaromil CC: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Sexual politics and society: [was: Forums: was I have a
question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii, ]
> From: jaromil@??? >> 1. What does this have to do with Devuan?
> perhaps just one thing, that the first image this project ever
> released was a Valentine present, with attached a love declaration,
> between two men. it may be defined a platonic dev relationship, but
> definitely makes Devuan among the most gay distributions out there -
> and with a certain pride! :^D
Jus'b'cause lots of you want to go to bed with Poetering does not make
this a gay distribution .... lets get our fuckts straight. Straight, not narrow.
> ciao