:: Re: [DNG] Sexual politics and socie…
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Skribent: Antony Stone
Til: dng
Gamle-emner: Re: [DNG] Forums: was I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii,
Emne: Re: [DNG] Sexual politics and society: [was: Forums: was I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii, ]
On Sunday 16 July 2017 at 19:55:21, Miroslav Rovis wrote:

> This modern day and age that we live in, in which perversion is decided to
> be normal by a vote of medical scientists, and a vote that was just
> slightly in favor (as there were many votes against that decision, just
> not the majority) of the decision how that particular aberration in human
> sexual behavior that up until that vote was deemed a desease... That that
> aberration in human sexual behavior which consisted in attraction and
> sexual relashionship btwn man and man and woman and woman instead of btwn
> man an woman only, how that aberation ceases, by a medical vote, to be
> desease, and becomes normal, and since then, by law, in many countries,
> even contradicting that such behavior be normal can put you in trouble...
> This modern day when it must be accepted by anybody that perversion
> (perversion as, erhm, scientists claimed it to be, up until that vote, and
> can something be truth at one time, and then the same thing become false
> in a blink of an... vote?)...
> This modern day when it must be accepted by anybody that perversion is a
> normal behavior, else you are labeled bad names and labeled something like
> anti-human... Else you are evicted from communities... Because the truth
> about those facts "changed" and now you are under legal obligation to
> accept to new truth about those facts...
> And what do you want me to? To trust that in this age, as described above
> by the worse, as well as the most stupid, and mind boggling aspect of
> it... No, I'm not out of topic here, I'm not. This is what marks the
> global society today, these new truths... It imbibes it all through, down
> to Churches and theology...
> You want me to trust that in this age of ours theologians have become so
> clever that all the previous ones were only like little kids, maybe smart,
> but, aarrghh... their works based on such poor sources, lacking in real
> knowledge, or their understanding so limited... All the previous
> theologians in comparison to this day were... probably... stupid, eh??
> And what do you want me to? To believe that the Hebrew sources were found
> just recently and didn't exist previously, such as in Jerome's time (|V
> century p.C.)? That Jerome's knowledge of Hebrew was so poor that his
> translation of Bible was rife with approximations...
> No, I trust that ancient Church father, whom all the Christian
> denominations accept, so much more than the new translations. I had, time
> ago, read modern commentaries on some Old Testament texts, and the feeling
> still remains of nausea, with all the approximation of the contemprary
> exegesis... And of the denial of almost any supernatural meanings of the
> Holy Texts.
> It's exactly the other way round, than what you say about accuracy futher
> above, and suppose below.

> P.S. I hope no one will produce any hatred of same-sex people out of my
> words above. By all means, pls. no!, I only regard those facts to be
> truthful as deemed, by a long standing majority, previously to that
> medical scientists vote, and false after that vote. IOW that the behavior
> of those people is an aberration, is a disease. Such people need help to
> get normal. But I don't hate them by any means. And I oppose any
> discrimination against them. They are of course human beings as any other
> human beings. With all the rights as any other human beings.

1. What does this have to do with Devuan?

2. What makes you so certain that the original doctrines of the bible, as
written in Hebrew, and quite possibly accurately translated on occasion,
represent the "correct" way to live compared to modern beliefs of today?

2a. The bible is not the only "holy scripture" - there are plenty to choose

Why should two men or two women not marry and enjoy life together?

What gives a 2000-year-old view of life and society any greater authority than
our current view of life and society?

I say "live and let live".

If people before me said otherwise, that doesn't automatically make them right
and me wrong.


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