:: Re: [DNG] Forums: was I have a ques…
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Lähettäjä: Edward Bartolo
Päiväys: 2017-07-15 06:42 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] Forums: was I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii,
Nice, nobody replied.

This means, nobody has any valid counter arguments to what I wrote.
Moderation is a right nobody should deny if justice, equity and
interpersonal respect is to prevail.

Shutting down onself from dialogue is a clear sign there is no good
will. This is equivalent to supporting and encouraging cyber abuse. It
is nothing less than a shame Devuan is adopting the same policy.

Ignore reality as long as you wish but one cannot ignore the current
trends for more rights and equity. Ignoring someone means the person
who actively ignores has no more arguments and is insecure as to how
to act.

Thanks for proving the strength in my arguments. With its policy of no
moderation, Devuan is actively supporting cyber abuse instead of doing
its civil duty of protecting victims.