:: Re: [DNG] I have a question about l…
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Autor: Miroslav Rovis
Fecha: 2017-07-11 15:35 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii,
On 170711-09:13-0400, zap wrote:
> On 07/11/2017 06:01 AM, Svante Signell wrote:
> > On Tue, 2017-07-11 at 03:56 +0000, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> >> On 170710-23:39+0200, Svante Signell wrote:
> >>> On Mon, 2017-07-10 at 14:12 +0000, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> >>>> Hi Svante and everybody!
> >>>>
> >>>> (and zap, to whom you right as second person in the email I'm
> >>>> replying to. zap
> >>>> might give useful advice, since he --later-- reported he
> >>>> successfully
> >>>> installed
> >>>> OpenRC)
> >>>>
> >>>> Svante, I'm taking your suggestion in the other thread some three
> >>>> days ago now,
> >>>> or so.
> >>>>
> >>>> I want to try OpenRC in my Devuan.
> >>> Ok, let's see if I can help you.
> >> Svante, I got packages from zap. zap, I got your email, it's just the
> >> Lurker
> >> that is limited to 40k (which means you can only send some 30k
> >> (because mail
> >> encodes in base64) in one email
> > As written by later mails on this thread, the email limit should stay
> > as it is. Larger files should be uploaded and hosted somewhere to
> > download.
> >
> >> ...but I got them:
> >>
> >> $ ls -ltr sysvinit-utils_2.88dsf-59.9_amd64.deb \
> > This one is not OK, see below. This is the Debian (unpatched version)
> >
> >>>>> Did you see my mail? I can send you the packages
> >>>>> libfdisk1     2.29.2-1+devuan1
> >>>>> util-linux    2.29.2-1+devuan1
> >>>> I believe/hope all that is necessary is now in these repos that
> >>>> you
> >>>> wrote below (but is it so?):
> > No, the sysvinit packages you need are 2.88dsf-59.9+devuan2 and you get
> > them by adding to sources.list: (+ apt-get update)
> > sysvinit-core
> > sysvinit-utils
> > initscripts
> > bootlogd (optional)
> My bad, I forgot a few important packages to mention... xD

The bootlogd is only suggested.

Ah, first thing to say is: I've successfully installed and rebooted a couple of
times each: my clone (which I use also for testing, and which is the only that
sees ever any internet), and my master Air-Gap system.

And maybe the second thing to say is. If anyone needs the packages that
if those are, and I think they are; they worked for me
are needed to install OpenRC, get them at:
They are also hashed by me in my email in this very thread that we are writing
our discussions about OpenRC --under bad subject, but it's really too late now
to correct that-- I think its previous mail of mine that I sent, or whatever,
my Palemoon still crashes unpredictably, and can't open huge threads, and that
one is a huge thread where this new discussion belongs to...

The instructions how to get the packages are:
OpenRC installation in Devuan Ascii

And of course, you can also get them directly:

Pls., guys, I think all went correctly, but I think I should leave the report
there, at:
( same topic as linked a few lines up )

and not repeat it here...

> >>>>     deb     http://packages.devuan.org/devuan ascii-proposed main
> >>>> I hope that is fine.
> >>> Yes you need that line for the latest version of sysvinit* and
> >>> initscripts (2.88dsf-59.9+devuan2)
> >> sysvinit-utils_2.88dsf-59.9_amd64.deb is what I got from zap (see
> >> above)
> > You should apt-get download sysvinit-utils and then (as I wrote to zap)
> > (version 2.88dsf-59.9+devuan2, not 2.88dsf-59.9):

> >
> > dpkg -i libfdisk1_2.29.2-1+devuan1_i386.deb util-linux_2.29.2-1+devuan1_i386.deb sysvinit-utils_2.88dsf-59.9+devuan2_i386.deb
> >
> > (in one line, the mailer might wrap)
> >
> > Then you can apt-get install -s openrc and only sysvinit-rc will be
> > removed in addition to libeinfo1 librc1 openrc (0.23-1+b1) being
> > installed.
> > _______________________________________________

Thanks Svante, thanks zap, thanks also Rick Moen (I even mentioned you in that
Dev1Galaxy topic linked above when I saw full shouting at me that ugly message
that you wrote about), and Adam Borowski...

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia