:: Re: [devuan-dev] Pending: Things ne…
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Autor: Daniel Reurich
Fecha: 2017-07-11 12:16 -000
A: devuan developers internal list
Asunto: Re: [devuan-dev] Pending: Things needed doing
Hi Katolaz,

ok let's calm this down... point taken about calling bullshit. It
wasn't intended as an insult, just pointing out that you should have
sufficient permissions to manage and build jobs already and I don't know
why it doesn't work...

If you really want all access fine, but lets discuss any config changes
before you do them.

Where's your repo for this new tool for triggering builds? I want to
check it out.


On 11/07/17 22:56, KatolaZ wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 10:20:40PM +1200, Daniel Reurich wrote:
> [cut]
>> You have had these permissions since the last time we looked at it. You
>> have had the all the permissions you need to manage jobs. Are you
>> actually using the correct username?? If you want more sure, lets talk
>> about it.
>> But if you can't modify jobs already then there is something wrong with
>> your logon and we need to fix that first.
>> Can we setup a hangout or something so we can debug it??
> Dan, I don't talk bullshit, and I don't accuse anybody of talking
> bullshit, so please calm down :)
> I have no way at all of acting on jobs from my Jenkins account, and I
> have told you this several times, and asked to have this kind of
> access many times. I have shown you the screenshot of what I see on
> Jenkins at least twice. You said you would have had a look, but the
> issue is not solved yet.
> My login is KatolaZ, as everywhere else in Devuan. There must be
> obviously something wrong in the configuration, because the only thing
> I can do in Jenkins is looking at the existing list of jobs, without
> the possibility of triggering jobs or stopping failing ones. This is
> what all the regular Jenkins users can do.
> Let's try to solve this problem, please. We need somebody who is
> present and able to solve the issues of developers who are trying to
> build their packages on Jenkins. I don't really need to be that
> person, and honestly, I am not looking forward to being it, especially
> if you are so scared that I can break things around.
> But we need at least one, better if two or three more people there. At
> the moment all the building infrastructure is relying exclusively on
> you, and if you ask me, then yes, this is allowing a single point of
> fault, and it is very risky.
> Having limited time to dedicate to Devuan is the norm for
> everyone. That's why we need to have more than one person able to do
> each task.
> KatolaZ
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Daniel Reurich
Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd.
021 797 722