:: Re: [devuan-dev] (no subject)
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Auteur: Jaromil
Date: 2017-07-11 08:14 -000
À: devuan developers internal list
Sujet: Re: [devuan-dev] (no subject)
On Tue, 11 Jul 2017, Daniel Reurich wrote:

> Anyway I don't have any control over nextimes firewall to allow ssh
> in to the server for packages.devuan.org either so no idea what
> ports are open for it. So it's just easier to rsync push to another
> server and improve the security and spread the load.

I agree with this plan, its very reasonable. I have on my past
meeting's action list to open up a new server either on the same
hosting of the current gitlab or on another one, gaining some more IPs
for the occasion.

While waiting for the donated servers, i guess we should now proceed
with this and account for an additional 40 eur per month (approx) of
infrastructure cost.

