Szerző: Miles Fidelman Dátum: Címzett: dng Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Linus can no longer trust "init"
slight addition at the end
On 7/10/17 4:07 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote: > On 7/10/17 3:23 PM, KatolaZ wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 01:53:09PM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
>>> * On 2017 10 Jul 12:45 -0500, mdn wrote:
>>>> Le 10/07/2017 19:29, zap a écrit :
>>>>> I hope linus does something about it. I Really wish stallman would
>>>>> take
>>>>> this seriously as a security risk.
>>>> I too but RMS just care about licensing and a bit community relations
>>>> atm (from what I can observe).
>>> Unfortunately, that seems to be the case. Just because the code is
>>> GPL,
>>> it seems fine by him.
>> Sorry, but I really don't see what RMS should do here. He has focussed
>> his entire life on the fundamental problem of making sure that
>> software remains free, as in speech, and he has always (and
>> rightfully, IMHO) avoided to intervene in any technical battle we have
>> seen in the free-software world in the last 30 years, with the only
>> hilarious exception of the vi-vs-emacs farse, epitomised in the
>> fictious character of St. IGNUcious....
>> From a technical point of view, systemd is free software, and trying
>> to deny it is just stupid:
> But keep in mind that RMS is also interested in the impact of
> licensing, and is a firm proponent of the "Unix way."
> Systemd may be free, but it's approach to agglomerating function after
> function, and becoming a requirement for more and more other software
> - is an affront to software freedom. That MIGHT be, or become, of
> interest & concern to him. It really is time to start raising the
> issue through the FSF - on the libreplanet-discuss email list, at the
> annual conference, etc.
> It might also be of interest to Eric Raymond (Cathedral & The Bazaar).
> It might be time to make systemd-free a "campaign" (in the same sense
> as "anybrowser").
> Miles Fidelman
> It also occurs to me that the gnu tools are a big part of the ecosystem
- and the support provided for various init systems is a big part of the
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra