Skribent: Vincent Bentley Dato: 2017-07-07 10:54 -000 Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] Is the Ascii archive missing some packages?
On 07/07/17 13:11, zap wrote: > It would be good though if you could allow mate-power-manager into the
> software repository with the systemd dependencies removed though...
That would require someone to create and maintain a Devuan specific
package and possibly even forking the code depending on how badly
infected with SYSTEMic Disease it becomes.
I had a look at doing just this with Mandos today but after reading the
TODOs in the code documentation and seeing lots of references to systemd
and I started to wonder why the developers want to put
desktop API's into what is supposed to be a server utility. I think they
have lost their way and I would be better of finding an alternative or
making my own.
I am increasingly thinking that server tools should be developed
primarily for FreeBSD then ported back to Linux distros without systemd.