:: Re: [DNG] Broken packages in Ascii,…
トップ ページ
著者: KatolaZ
日付: 2017-07-05 07:28 -000
To: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] Broken packages in Ascii, how to fix? (Beware of Debian Stretch) WAS: devuan packages explorer
On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 08:46:04AM +0000, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> This is just correcting the subject line, and if there are no replies,
> withdrawing.
> Widrawing to dev1galaxy.org forums:
> Broken packages in Ascii, how to fix? (Beware of Debian Stretch)
> https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?id=1115

Miroslav, there are no broken packages in ascii... If you mix Devuan
repositories with repos from other sources, you can get a mess out of

Please read my other email.



[ ~.,_  Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - GLUGCT -- Freaknet Medialab  ]  
[     "+.  katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it  ]
[       @)   http://kalos.mine.nu ---  Devuan GNU + Linux User  ]
[     @@)  http://maths.qmul.ac.uk/~vnicosia --  GPG: 0B5F062F  ] 
[ (@@@)  Twitter: @KatolaZ - skype: katolaz -- github: KatolaZ  ]