:: Re: [DNG] some ASCII issues
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Autor: Alessandro Selli
Data: 2017-07-05 05:57 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] some ASCII issues
On Tue, 4 Jul 2017 at 23:55:30 -0700
Rick Moen <rick@???> wrote:

> Quoting Alessandro Selli (alessandroselli@???):
> > It is relevant in proving you cannot do that and *lawfully* distribute
> > the module, which is what I have kept saying.
> Indeed, you do keep trying to change the topic to distribution.

It was and it stayed centered there, no matter how much you insist in
stating the opposite. I already provided proof of it.

> But I already pointed that out. ;->

You always avoided to consider the relevant facts, you keep countering
reality with gratuitous opinions.

>> I am not turning it into it, I am keeping it into it.
> That's simply not what you said upthread.

Yes, it is, and I already provided twice proof of it, documenting the
evolution of the thread's discussion. You could never counter those facts
with anything other than opinions, in fact you consistently ignored those
facts all along. You always failed providing a pointer where the discussion
turned from the distribution to someone's (whom?) personal case, as well as
failing the focal point of providing a workable way to boot a system without
an initramfs in the case a proprietary firmware is needed to mount the root

>> Your opinions were pretty clearly stated.
> Again, I expressed _no_ view concerning distribution, as that was not the
> matter under discussion.

I know, you wrote about your very specific, personal case, and that's the
problem: the discourse was about distributions, not someone's (your) unique

Alessandro Selli http://alessandro.route-add.net
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