Auteur: Alessandro Selli Date: À: dng Sujet: Re: [DNG] systemd allows elevated access from unit files?
On 05/07/2017 at 03:40, Nate Bargmann wrote: > * On 2017 04 Jul 18:59 -0500, Rick Moen wrote:
>> Quoting Nate Bargmann (n0nb@???):
>>> * On 2017 04 Jul 13:27 -0500, Evilham wrote:
>>> Well, it still doesn't read mail.
>>> Or does it?
>> Well, it _does_ now include a shell interpretar (debug-shell.service),
>> so it's a short step from there to (badly) reimplementing emacs and
>> Gnus. ;->
> Oh boy!
> Then it'll be a short step to incorporating a compositor and a browser.
> Once that is complete, then the kernel can be incorporated. A one stop
> OS blob!
> - Nate
> P.S. Today's joke is tomorrow's news headline.
Indeed, I'd not be surprised were they to announce the merger of Mesa into
systemd. And too, in such a way you'll be prevented from having
any sound without that will come as a hard dependency!