:: Re: [DNG] I have a question about l…
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Autor: karl
Fecha: 2017-06-29 12:51 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii,
> Le 26/06/2017 à 23:57, Steve Litt a écrit :
> > On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 12:25:40 +0200
> > Didier Kryn <kryn@???> wrote:
> >>       mdev is fine for a server. It is lacking a few features w/r udev:

> >>
> >>       1) It doesn't build /dev/disk/[by-id | by-label | by-partuuid |
> >> by-path | by-uuid]

> >>
> >>           I tried to add this feature by the mean an mdev-called
> >> script ~ a year ago in a Busybox OS, and succeeded easily with
> >> by-label and by-uuid. I don't know the usage of the others anyway.
> > Could you please post that shellscript and a couple sentences about how
> > to install it?

> >
>      Please find it in attachment. The archive contains four files:

> etc/init.d/mdev  -- The start/stop script for Sysvinit
> etc/mdev.conf    -- The necessary configuration file for mdev
> sbin/mdev-disk   -- An experimental script to manage /dev/disk/by-label
>                   -- and /dev/disk/by-uuid

>      I might restart experimenting with it some day...

Hmm, something similar could be used to create thoose /dev/disk/by-*,
for a static /dev:

find /dev -type b | xargs blkid | sort | some_script_to_populate_by_xxx

But if that is only a transformed /sys/class/block, wouldn't it be
easier if there was a /sys/class/uuid or similar ?

Also man blkid says:

# man blkid | grep -A6 ' -L label$'
       -L label
              Look up the device that uses this label (equal to: -l -o  device
              -t  LABEL=<label>).   This lookup method is able to reliably use
              /dev/disk/by-label udev symlinks  (dependent  on  a  setting  in
              /etc/blkid.conf).   Avoid using the symlinks directly; it is not
              reliable to use  the  symlinks  without  verification.   The  -L
              option works on systems with and without udev.

so if /dev/disk/by-* isn't reliable, why do we have them ?

/Karl Hammar

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