Skribent: Rick Moen Dato: Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii,
Quoting Adam Borowski (kilobyte@???):
> On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 09:09:04AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> > Quite so. Reading netlink for kernel uevents seems like a solution for
> > a problem I happily don't have.
> I'm afraid that with this mindset you're acting like Lennart, who ignores
> valid and widespread use cases that just happen to not affect his laptop.
> Static devices is a setup that works on only straightforward systems.
Unlike Lennart, I'm not purporting to solve everyone's problems, nor
shoving my preferences onto anyone by any means whatsoever.
(Was that actually difficult?)
I happen to _use_ straightforward systems, hence I find (what I
consider) straightforward software solutions to my personal liking and
am willing to do a modest amount of extra local work to use them. You
seem to have decided that this is A Bad Thing and wish me to feel regret
via an extremely contrived poetteringisation analogy. I'l decline the
opportunity to feel regret, at this dramatic juncture in our narrative,
but I do appreciate the offer. Some other time, perhaps.
> Thus, while it is worth supporting that on minimal containers, those are not
> systems that boot on their own.
Sucks to be them. ;->
> Thus, it's better to simplify things and standardize on....
Oh, you wish to launch a _new_ discussion about what to 'standardize
on'? By all means, please feel free. I don't have any special interest
in that at this time, but go right ahead. I'll merely note, before you
do, that I was extremely clear that I was _not_ talking about that.