:: [DNG] Small /: was: some ASCII issu…
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Auteur: Steve Litt
Datum: 2017-06-24 01:22 -000
Aan: dng
Oude Onderwerpen: Re: [DNG] some ASCII issues
Onderwerp: [DNG] Small /: was: some ASCII issues
On Fri, 23 Jun 2017 17:57:03 -0700
Rick Moen <rick@???> wrote:

> Separate /usr is one of several measures I take to help guard against
> a variety of mishap. For one thing, it then becomes possible to
> give /usr custom mount options, including the one that makes it
> normally read-only.[1] (I have hooks to apt/dpkg to automatically
> remount as required for apt operations. See this Anthony Towns post
> for details:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2001/11/msg00212.html )
> The aims of my partitioning strategy include getting everything
> feasible off the root filesystem to keep it small and fairly static.
> This in general terms keeps it far less likely to suffer mishap that
> includes but is not limited to hitting 100% full or getting
> filesystem damage in various ways. The rootfs having this passive
> protection against most forms of damage means that crucial tools
> needed for recovery or restore operations _or_ filesytem repair of
> other filesystems are highly likely to be available without needing
> to resort to CD/DVD images, USB key drives, or PXE-booting a recovery
> image. That's not everything, but it's certainly a great deal more
> than nothing.

What do you think of the option of having a 220G / drive, with /usr
partition taking up most of it? Does that conform to your preferred
methods, or do you want the /usr partition to come from some other
driver entirely?

By the way, what I do on my Daily Driver Desktop these days is I have a
220GB SSD for /, and leave /usr on the / partition. I use fstrim on it
every couple weeks, and so far 9% of root drive is used according to df
-h. All my data partitions are on spinning disks mounted on the SSD
/. I boot via MBR to avoid needless unpleasantries while UEFI boot
outgrows its growing pains (or doesn't). It's working very well for me
so far.


Steve Litt
June 2017 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence