:: [DNG] Deliberate inflexibility
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Autor: Hendrik Boom
Fecha: 2017-06-22 11:58 -000
A: dng
Temas antiguos: Re: [DNG] I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii,
Asunto: [DNG] Deliberate inflexibility
On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 12:53:25PM +0200, Alessandro Selli wrote:

> You do *not* empower people taking away what they could easily do the day
> before and suddenly prevent them from even changing the desktop's
> aesthetics. You do not empower non-technical users by forcing them into a
> "user experience" they do not like, they are vocally against, imposing them a
> new, unmodifiable GUI paradigm that disrupts the way they interacted with
> their desktop until they were force-fed the "innovation" by the devs.

Even Apple is driving some of their users away by this tactic. My
wife has decided that her next computer will not be an apple because
with the current release of the OS (which she had to install because
her application software wouldn't work properly without it) all the
fonts and icons suddenly became too small to be readable. Oh yes, she
managedto find settings that changes this in some application
software, but Apples supplied things remained unusable.

-- hendrik

> Bye,
> --
> Alessandro Selli http://alessandro.route-add.net
> VOIP SIP: dhatarattha@???
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