:: Re: [DNG] I have a question about l…
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Autor: golinux
Fecha: 2017-06-20 15:13 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii,
On 2017-06-20 09:12, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> * On 2017 19 Jun 23:05 -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
>> Above, Didier expresses his personal opinion on the compellingness of
>> Gnome. I agree 100% with his personal opinion.
>> What really amazes me is that, in this world of multiple excellent
>> GOSFUIs (http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/gosfui.htm), Gnome3 is
>> considered such a must-have that people discuss moving huge numbers of
>> programmer-hours from stuff an OS really needs to an ongoing undoing
>> of
>> the systemdizing of Gnome3.
>> First, Gnome3 is bizarre in that it's one of those interfaces that
>> joins Unity and Windows 8 thru 10 in guessing what the user wants, and
>> if that first guess isn't productive, well, let the user look at
>> everything. Not productive for those with varied computer activities.
> I tried the Debian packaged GNOME occasionally over the years prior to
> 2011 or so and never found it compelling though I found plenty of
> useful
> apps were written using GTK2, though not necessarily as GNOME apps.
> The
> only version of GNOME that I thought was well done was that shipped
> with
> Ubuntu 10.4. Then Unity was announced and the rest is history.
> GNOME3 developers seem to have a philosophy unlike that of any other
> group of developers in the Linux/FOSS ecosystem. The first clue I had
> was watching Linux conference videos and some GNOME/Freedesktop.org/Red
> Hat developer would open a Macbook and then proceed to start a VM to
> show all the wonderful things they were making for "Linux". My
> immediate question was, if it's so wonderful, why aren't you using it?
> Then there is the abomination GTK3 has become. I guess this makes
> sense
> in light that GNOME developers are maintaining it and seem to have
> hinted that its use should be exclusively for GNOME. Fine.
> Unfortunately, many projects that were based on GTK2 now face either
> moving to GTK3 and its poor UI or moving to another toolkit or simply
> ending development. The update of Firefox from 45 esr to 52 esr shows
> just what a backwards leap GTK3 is. Suddenly dragging a small icon to
> another tab results in the icon appearing about 10X normal size. This
> is happening in Devuan and Salix so it's not a distribution or
> installation specific issue.
> A few years ago I took over maintenance of a handy application of
> interest to radio amateurs. It had been dropped from Debian due to a
> compile failure with a newer version of GTK2. The fix was fairly
> trivial even for a GTK novice such as myself and the app is in Jessie.
> For how long, I don't know as GTK2 will undoubtedly be deprecated in
> some future release which leaves me wondering which way to go as I
> don't
> think GTK3 is a worthwhile path to follow.
> As I see it, GNOME/Freedesktop.org/Red Hat/etc. are moving toward an
> Android model where everything else is all but officially excluded
> except for apps written specifically for their environment. There is
> nothing "universal" about their plans and for Debian to chase their
> taillights means that Debian should drop "universal" from any
> description of their distribution, IMHO. I think it would be wise for
> Devuan not to expend any resources also chasing the GNOME, etc. cabal
> and let them go their way. For those who want Devuan with GNOME, point
> them to Debian and bid them a good day. Other distributions are doing
> just fine without SD/GNOME. I think we can as well.
> - Nate

Reposting this link as some of you may have missed it:


And there you have it, folks . . .
