:: Re: [devuan-dev] Building derivativ…
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Autor: Daniel Reurich
Datum: 2017-06-15 09:39 -000
To: devuan developers internal list
CC: Merlijn, Ivaylo Dimitrov
Betreff: Re: [devuan-dev] Building derivative distros on the Devuan Jenkins CI
On 15/06/17 03:50, parazyd@??? wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2017, Jaromil wrote:
>> hello!
>> On Wed, 07 Jun 2017, parazyd wrote:
>>> Hello everyone.
>>> Cc'd to this email are Merlijn (Wizzup) and Ivaylo (freemangordon). I am
>>> not sure if they are subscribed to the ML, so please keep them Cc'd.
>> ok. please be welcome to join the ML if you can bare yet
>> another... its low traffic (for now) as a lot goes on irc as well
>>> We have (relatively) finished the code for the new amprolla that
>>> Centurion_Dan said was needed for derivatives to build packages on the
>>> Devuan CI infrastructure. The code can be found on:
>>> https://git.devuan.org/maemo/amprolla/
>> this third rewrite is awesome, thanks!
>>> A Devuan repository generated using this instance is living and
>>> constantly being updated here: http://amprolla.parazyd.cf/merged
>> using it already on two machines, no flaws!
> The only thing that worries me is what happens when there is a lot of
> traffic and if `apt update` will seem broken if an update is done while
> a merge is in progress.

build to a spool and copy/rsync that to a the deployment location -
preferably a remote mirror. Remember it the keyring it is signed with
needs to be in devuan-keyring.
>>> We would like to know what are the next steps for the maemo
>>> community to start building packages on Jenkins. Most, if not all,
>>> packages are ready to be built and just need to be included in the
>>> loop.
>> I think as a first step we need to make sure all the current scripts
>> that are running on jenkins are versioned into a git repository. I am
>> not sure that is the case. Both me and Centurion have access to
>> ci.devuan.org to check this.

They are all there:

https://git.devuan.org/devuan-infrastructure/jenkins-debian-glue (needs
to be moved to devuan-packages). - this provides the glue logic to make
jenkins build debian packages.

- provides the glue between gitlab and jenkins.

>>> Can you tell us what needs to be done on our part and your part to
>>> get this going? What would the timeframe for this be? We hope to
>>> start doing it as soon as possible, hopefully next week.
>> devs here may already be aware of the DECODE project, whose
>> development also converges into Devuan and pays some of us.
>> in DECODE the schedule is to have a first "DECODE OS" release by end
>> of august (which will be based on Devuan) so indeed we shall start
>> quick as it is ideal to have also DECODE custom packages built on our
>> CI. We may do without and present a single build made with the SDK,
>> but its really worth trying to unlock the development on the CI and go
>> forward also for MAEMO I guess.

Devuan-releasebot needs:
- to become aware of a distribution option that maps the group and/or
branch names to determine the repository the built packages are sent to.
- to become smarter about architectures - this means the architecture
is determined from the control file during the source stage. We could
then re-use the arch label to select a subset of the possible
architectures to build for - either for triggering a build of previously
failed build on a specific architecture
- to handle staged builds so we can bootstrap, cross build to new
architectures, kernels and libc variants.

>> So, good call.
>> here are the relevant packages in git so far
>> https://git.devuan.org/devuan-infrastructure/devuan-releasebot
>> https://git.devuan.org/devuan-infrastructure/jenkins-debian-glue
>> on the other end there is amprolla and I guess some way to recognise
>> the +devuan versioning on packages, which may have more strings
>> attached then for specific builds.

you can recognise it by the Path: field in the Packages and Sources
files which will have DEVUAN or DEBIAN in them.
>> we need to review the above two packages and also make a coherent plan
>> to handle a +package-version namespace between jenkins and amprolla
> For maemo we were told we will be using the Devuan CI, not hosting our
> own. I am not sure if this is related to us?

We should discuss this...
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Daniel Reurich
Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd.
021 797 722