:: Re: [devuan-dev] Building derivativ…
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Skribent: parazyd@dyne.org
Dato: 2017-06-12 05:44 -000
Til: devuan-dev
CC: Merlijn, Ivaylo Dimitrov
Emne: Re: [devuan-dev] Building derivative distros on the Devuan Jenkins CI
On Wed, 07 Jun 2017, parazyd wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> Cc'd to this email are Merlijn (Wizzup) and Ivaylo (freemangordon). I am
> not sure if they are subscribed to the ML, so please keep them Cc'd.
> We have (relatively) finished the code for the new amprolla that
> Centurion_Dan said was needed for derivatives to build packages on the
> Devuan CI infrastructure. The code can be found on:
> https://git.devuan.org/maemo/amprolla/
> A Devuan repository generated using this instance is living and
> constantly being updated here: http://amprolla.parazyd.cf/merged
> We would like to know what are the next steps for the maemo community to
> start building packages on Jenkins. Most, if not all, packages are ready
> to be built and just need to be included in the loop.
> Can you tell us what needs to be done on our part and your part to get
> this going? What would the timeframe for this be? We hope to start doing
> it as soon as possible, hopefully next week.

Is there anybody out there?

~ parazyd
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