:: Re: [Libbitcoin] SEGWIT kicks in Au…
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Autor: Eric Voskuil
Data: 2017-06-11 15:28 -000
A: Juan Garavaglia
CC: Libbitcoin
Assumpte: Re: [Libbitcoin] SEGWIT kicks in August 1:st. Will Libbitcoin have SEGWIT by then?
The libbitcoin documented soft fork policy is that we implement soft forks that are activated on the Bitcoin branch with the greatest work. Any person can today "activate" segwit by merely applying a new rule to require SW, which is essentially what BIP148 does. That doesn't however make it the branch with the greatest work.

If people choose to *consider* confirmations on a weak branch as sufficient for payment (i.e. money) they of course have that power, but it is an alternative money to Bitcoin and as such it is not my plan to dedicate previous resources to it.

This is not a statement for or against BIP148 or SW, it is just consistent application of a policy that has been in effect for a long time and was documented before BIP148 existed. The policy exists to preserve resources, given the large number of proposed forks, and to objectively maintain independence.

I agree that SW can be implemented quickly in libbitcoin, and we have put in place structure in v3 that makes it relatively straightforward. But it may also come down to developer availability. However the project is FOSS and anyone can issue a PR.


> On Jun 11, 2017, at 6:25 PM, Juan Garavaglia <jg@???> wrote:
> I doubt SW will happen in Aug 1st.
> UASF looks more a menace than a real thing for me.
> If SW activate in Bitcoin with hard work I think can be implemented in 10-14 days in Libbticoin.
> SW is at least in theory a SF and libbitcoin nodes will not be affected in any way, we performed extensive test in Bitcoin Testnet (SW activated) and works safely.
> Regards
> Juan
>> On Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 9:52 AM mlmikael <mlmikael@???> wrote:
>> Hi Eric/libbitcoin ML!
>> So SEGWIT kicks in on August 1:st and then likely SEGWIT will be the
>> main chain.
>> How is SEGWIT on LibBitcoin going?
>> This is kind of important for LB to be functioning continuously through
>> the transition no?
>> There may be details I have missed one or other way, hope this thread
>> can collect relevant clarifications.
>> Mlmikael
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> Juan Garavaglia
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