:: Re: [unSYSTEM] i read the news toda…
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Auteur: Julia Tourianski
Datum: 2017-06-01 18:51 -000
Aan: System undo crew
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] i read the news today
King James 2000 Bible <http://biblehub.com/kj2000/genesis/1.htm>
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
and fill the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves
upon the earth.

There is intense depth to this passage. Humans were cast out of the utopia
of the garden, (something they chose because maybe utopias are too boring)
and can now feel the full spectrum of feels which includes pain. With this
comes the shaping of their own destiny. Be fruitful does mean have
children, but it can also mean "grow your own world"...and isn't that what
we try to do through our children?
To have dominion can be read are human-centric but again I see it as God
telling us to master our own destiny. This is where we have fallen today.
People claim religious folk are dogmatic meanwhile so many rationalists let
everyone & everything around them shape their future, their self, and their
actions. I don't see the Amish begging for handouts or feeling like they
have no purpose.

Regarding FB...I try to tell people everyday. If you delete your account
and those friends & family dont bother to call u, they're not real.

For the secrets and lies, my PGP key:

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 12:57 PM, aimee@??? <aimee@???>

> People overwhelming use facebook not because it is a great user
> experience, not because there are not other means or methods. But because
> for whatever reason it is the platform that most people are on. So they use
> it and put up with its clunky user interface because they are happy to
> satisfice with the clunky tool because the outcome is greater for them.
> They accept a loss of privacy, because they receive a feeling of being
> connected to those that they love and hold dearly… here i do not blame the
> people, we all in those lonely hours crave human connection and emotion….
> if facebook was never created and another platform instead that the masses
> flocked to they would use that perhaps?
> The problem with facebook and many of our new systems is the control of
> them in one centralised location and then couple the rise of AI, bigdata,
> cheap hardware etc etc we then have collectives of people that we can run
> algorithms on to manipulate and control them without them even knowing it…
> the big issue here is not the technology but the centralisation of that
> technology in the hands of one entity…
> We the creators can create different systems, it is in our hands. Now I
> know that facebook analogy is a simplistic and in many ways wrong one to
> use however I use it to point out the fact that we are not only connected
> but we seek to be connected and use technology as our means to do so…
> The blockchain for example can be used to replace ledger systems for
> banks… or it could be used to facilitate democratic input by the people? We
> as technologists know better then anyone else that all technology is good
> and all is evil it depends on the hands that use it… what is used for bad
> is also used for good…
> I do not have all the answers… infact the older I get the more I doubt my
> knowledge of anything as I realise how much there is to understand… however
> together we can dream into existence a better outcome a better use?
> ok I think I have exhausted my brain for the moment… but we have a lot of
> food for thought
> > On 1 Jun 2017, at 1:34 pm, psy <epsylon@???> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Amir Taaki:
> >
> >> After all this mechanism of tyranny that is the internet didn't bring
> increased knowledge and a smarter,
> >> richer, better governed society like the optimists and singularists
> >> predicted.
> >
> > We are more connected as humanity than ever. That's a positive point
> > against the mega-machine. What are we making with that power?. This is
> > the key.
> >
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