:: Re: [DNG] Raspi3 RC2 NOT working
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Autor: Harald Arnesen
Data: 2017-05-15 08:08 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Raspi3 RC2 NOT working
Arnt Karlsen [2017-05-14 23:14]:

> On Sun, 14 May 2017 22:51:33 +0200, Harald wrote in message
> <5918C355.9020403@???>:
>> Antonio Trkdz.tab [2017-05-14 22:12]:
>> > I have tried twice to dd the RC2 raspi3 image on a sd card, but I
>> > ended up with a non responsive login prompt.
>> > Also the ethernet is screwed, effectively rendering the system
>> > unusable.
>> I can confirm this. Seems the keyboard doesn't work at all.
>> > RC1 is fine.
>> Haven't tried it, will do.
> ..are you guys able to chroot into RC2, e.g. from RC1?

Dont't know. I never had Alpine on this box before.

Unfortunately I won't have time to try for a couple of weeks, going on
Hilsen Harald