:: Re: [DNG] Linux 4.9 kernel
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Autor: Andrew McGlashan
Data: 2017-05-08 15:30 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Linux 4.9 kernel

On 09/05/17 00:50, golinux@??? wrote:
> There was an issue with backports not being pinned properly in the beta2
> (see: https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?id=32). Or perhaps you have
> backports enabled?

Yes, that issue seems to hit the nail on the head; I'm sure that is why
I actually have a bunch of other bpo stuff on that box (not as many on
the new box).

# dpkg -l | grep bpo|wc -l

# dpkg -l | grep bpo|wc -l

Looks like I need to do some further investigation and decide if I want
to drop back to the non-bpo versions of packages.

Thanks all

Kind Regards