:: Re: [DNG] Which is Free, Which is O…
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Skribent: Rick Moen
Dato: 2017-04-26 02:14 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Which is Free, Which is Open Source, is there any difference?
Quoting Steve Litt (slitt@???):

> Anyway, I seem to remember Richard telling me in an email that as far as
> what you could and couldn't do with the respectively licenced code, they
> were essentially the same. If my memory is accurate, the distinction he
> strongly made was that Open Source didn't prioritize freedom, but
> instead prioritized convenience and value to business, and he felt
> that was a bad thing.

That is a fairly precise recounting of what Richard has been known to
say, so well done on that. ISTR that he sometimes even said the open
source movement doesn't value freedom, and avoids mentioning it. I
understand Richard's view; I just don't think it's correct.

Rick Moen                          "'Decimate' when referring to killing one 
rick@???                in ten.  'Octomate' when referring to the 
McQ!  (4x80)                       cephalopod dating site."  -- @FakeAPStylebook