:: Re: [DNG] jessie-vdev2 iso, was ..v…
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Autor: fsmithred
Data: 2017-04-25 10:00 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] jessie-vdev2 iso, was ..vdev box recovery ideas?, was: gvfs depends on libsystemd0
On 04/24/2017 09:04 PM, Joel Roth wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 08:43:35AM -0400, fsmithred wrote:
>>>> If you want to try the October live iso, let me know.
>> jessie-vdev2 iso:
>> http://distro.ibiblio.org/refracta/files/experimental/
> Thanks for this. It is nice to have a running example
> of a linux system with vdev!
>> Notes:
>> - boots to console, startx to get to openbox
> The console isn't available in my testing.
> When I run this (under qemu) all boot menu choices I tested started
> openbox. And X is always respawned after I kill it.
> Running under qemu, the key combinations I would use to get
> to a virtual console, such as Ctrl-Alt-2, or even
> Ctrl-Alt-Backspace exit the qemu grab.
> regards,

Oh right. It only boots to console after you install it. That's because
live-config scripts will enable auto-login to desktop and console. To
disable that in a live session, press TAB at the boot menu and edit the
chosen boot entry to add 'noautologin noxautologin'.

I don't know how to drop to console in qemu. I get the same as you (host
system drops to console.) In virtualbox, right-ctrl-F2 works.
