:: Re: [DNG] Busybox Init: Was tiny se…
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Συντάκτης: karl
Ημερομηνία: 2017-04-14 14:30 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] Busybox Init: Was tiny service state api [WAS: Fwd: init system agnosticism]
Steve Litt:
> This is the perfect opportunity to explore this more. Karl is one of
> the tiny minority of people to have successfully booted using the
> Busybox Init.

Why do you make it sound like it is difficult, it isn't something that
you need any advanced skill to solve. It's just that you have to do
it yourself, the installer won't do it for you.

> How did you like the Busybox Init?

I'm perfectly fine with it, it's just like the bsd startup scripts
in the 80-ties. There is some issues I havn't bothered solve,
/sbin/shutdown doesn't work as is, I have to use busybox poweroff
in a root terminal.

> Do you still use Busybox
> Init, or do you use a different init system for your day to day
> computing?

On some boxes I use bb init, on some other there is sysv.

> I think you once made documentation for how you installed
> Busybox Init. If so, could you please post the URL to your
> documentation?


/Karl Hammar

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