On 2017-03-15 19:18, Boruch Baum wrote:
> 3] For EVERYONE on the list, not just Hendrick: Would SOMEONE *PLEASE*
> just answer the only question ( and what I thought was a simple and
> straightforward one) that I posted to this list in my original
> message:
> Where in devuan web-space should I cross-post the report and its
> fix?
I suggest you put it here:
https://git.devuan.org/groups/devuan-packages/issues You will need a
git.devuan.org account.
Once you've posted it will also appear here:
You can read about that new crossover feature here:
> 4] Why is it that anytime I ask how or where I can contribute to the
> project, I get either complete silence or non-answer answers?
I hope the above isn't a non-answer, :)
> 5] @Adam Borowski: Thanks for the assessment. My decision is to leave
> the debian issue in the hands of the Eric, the debian package
> maintainer, who as of yet has not commented on the report. Possibly
> complicating matters is that Adrian wasn't satisified with just
> altering the report's severity and title - he also merged the report
> into an unrelated one, so my report is not clearly listed on the
> packages bug summary page.
Perhaps you could contact Eric directly.