:: Re: [DNG] Devuan and oss(4)
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Autore: Klaus Ethgen
Data: 2017-02-03 08:45 -000
To: dng
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Devuan and oss(4)
Hi Folks,

Am Fr den 3. Feb 2017 um 8:51 schrieb KatolaZ:
> > Compared to that, OSS always work with high quality sound.
> >
> > I wonder if Devuan will stay with free software like debian was long
> > time ago and let the user choose what to use or if it follows debian in
> > only supporting one (non-working) sound system.
> >
> Letting the user choose implies providing adequate support. Are you
> volunteering to maintain OSS support in Devuan? That would be great,
> indeed.

Meaning, maintaining oss4 packages?

Currently I stay in contact to the debian maintainer as the dkms package
works fine but not the standalone kernel package. I have a self
maintained version already on my server reenabling it. Nevertheless it
is not optimal.

Am Fr den 3. Feb 2017 um 9:34 schrieb Arnt Gulbrandsen:
> Klaus Ethgen writes:
> > I wonder if Devuan will stay with free software like debian was long
> > time ago and let the user choose what to use or if it follows debian in
> > only supporting one (non-working) sound system.
> There are two questions here. Open source support is limited by a) volunteer
> availability and b) project policy. Which part are you asking about?

First the second one. I seen in debian more and more working interfaces
removed or actively destroyed. OSS(4) is one of them. It work fine until
one maintainer not liking OSS removes it from support (Like recently
done in wine).

About point a, I think, that is doable to some extents. As I mentioned
before in one mail, my time is (like time of most here, I think)
limited. But I already maintain some stuff parallel to debian as debian
destroyed it.

Only problem I see currently, my contribution to geeqie (upstream)
suffer a bit..

- -- 
Klaus Ethgen                                       http://www.ethgen.ch/
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16            Klaus Ethgen <Klaus@???>
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