:: Re: [DNG] vdev packaging status (wa…
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Autor: Anto
Data: 2017-01-09 07:32 -000
Para: aitor_czr, dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] vdev packaging status (was eudev status)

On 08/01/17 20:09, aitor_czr wrote:
> Hi Anto,
> On 01/08/2017 04:02 PM, Anto wrote:

>> Thanks Aitor,
>> I am actually looking for vdev source package which includes its
>> debian packaging files. Your repository does not seem to have the
>> source package of vdev as below.
> Yes, it has:
> http://packages.gnuinos.org/unsystemd/pool/main/v/vdev/

> After that, install the vdev-assistant package and run: #
> vdev-assistant dialog Cheers, and good luck :) Aitor. * NOTE * .- The
> current version of live-boot isn't compatible with vdev; so, if it's
> present in your system, remove it before installing vdev. Remove also
> any previous residue of vdev, whether coming from my repository or
> from Ralph's repository, in order to avoid any possible
> incompatibility between them.

Thanks Aitor,

I think I will just use your debian packaging files of vdev from

And looking at the control file of vdev inside that tar file, I also
need to compile and install libfskit-dev and libfskit-fuse-dev (which I
assume) from https://github.com/jcnelson/fskit and libpstat-dev from
https://github.com/jcnelson/libpstat. For the latter one, I think I will
also use your debian packaging files on
Let's see how it goes.

The only non-technical issue that I see is that, there is no version of
vdev set on its source code. I know that I can set it to any version,
but it would be great if we could have it on the source code. I think I
will just set the vdev version to the same version as fskit and
libpstat, i.e. version 1.0.2.

