:: [DNG] make a proper mirror
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Autor: zeanmi
Data: 2016-12-23 02:12 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: [DNG] make a proper mirror
Dear Aitor, Dear Jaromil,

Thank you for your answers.

My debmirror is

debmirror $HOME/devuan-repo \
         --host=auto.mirror.devuan.org \
         --arch=i386,amd64 \
         --dist=jessie,jessie-security \
         --diff=none \
         --root=merged \
         --verbose \
         --i18n \
         --method=http \
         --keyring $HOME/541922FB.bin

But maybe i should change like yours :
-h ftp.auto.mirror.devuan.org \

Actually, the problem comes when jessie and jessie-updates are used
together : debmirror does not handle properly jessie-updates : it maps
on codename and not on the suite and retrieve the dists/jessie
repository instead of dists/jessie-updates

If i remember well, if you want to boostrap from the devuan beta2 iso
net install, make the sole jessie repository is not enought, but maybe
i'm wrong. So this is why i wanted to replicate the exacte structure for
jessie/ jessie-updates and jessie-security as is show at
https://devuan.org/ :

deb http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged jessie          main
deb http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged jessie-updates  main
deb http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged jessie-security main

So i made a mirror with wget just for jessie-updates with
https://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged/dists/jessie-updates/ and if made
another merged repository with symlinks to dists/jessie,
dists/jessie-security and dists/jessie-updates.

It works but that's not very convenient.

So i look forward the version 2.0 of amprolla (thx Jaromil) ^^


> Hi Zeanmi,
> On 12/20/2016 01:00 PM, zeanmi@??? wrote:
> > Hi !
> >
> > How to make a proper mirror
> > ofhttps://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged/ ? debmirror [wheezy]
> > seems to fail with jessie-updates (so i mirrored width wget). I
> > previously downloaded debian jessie and jessie security from
> > another mirror (because it's far faster from devuan.org) and i
> > made a merge with symlinks but debmirror seems to have a problem
> > with merged/dists/jessie-updates (it retrieves the jessie
> > directory).
> >
> > https://auto.mirror.devuan.org/ does not support rsync, right ?
> >
> > zeanmi.
> Debmirror works for me:
> debmirror -h ftp.auto.mirror.devuan.org \
>            --dist=jessie \
>            --root=/merged \
>            --di-arch=i386,amd64,armhf \
>            --section=main \
>            --nosource \
>            --progress \
>            --ignore-release-gpg \
>            --method http \
>            --diff=none \
>            $HOME/devuan-repo

> Cheers,
>    Aitor.